
ECNU Review

《ECNU Review》(华夏学术)第一辑


Foreword to the First Issue of ECNU Review

TONG Shijun 

(University Council Chairman, East China Normal University) 

With service to humanity and striving for excellence as its kernel values, East China Normal University (ECNU, founded in 1951) inherits its strong interest in international academic exchanges from its predecessors such as Great China University (founded in 1924), Kwang Hua University(founded in 1925) and St.John’s University (founded in 1879). As a major research university in a country that benefited greatly from its opening up to the outside world in the last decades, ECNU encourages its professors and students to take the world as their grand forum for producing and sharing knowledge.Soon after we founded a new university called Shanghai NYU in Lujiazhui, the most internationalized area in eastern Shanghai, jointly with New York University of USA in October 2012, we are now launching a new journal of social sciences and humanities in a language most widely used across nations as academic language in our times, that is, in English.

An English journal published by a Chinese university is not something that goes without saying. Ideally all those who participate in international academic exchanges should be able to understand their foreign-language speaking counterparts while speaking their own mother tongues.A less idealistic scenario would be for the parties involved in international academic exchanges to take each of their mother tongues alternatively as the international academic language.Considering the fact that much more non-English speaking scholars, including Chinese ones, have English as their second working language than English-speaking scholars have one or more other languages as their second working language, however, we came to make the more realistic choice of an English journal oriented to international readers, with the title of ECNU Review.

ECNU Review will, at least in the near future, publish academic papers written by authors from ECNU alone. From these papers, we hope, our readers will not only be impressed by the importance of the contributions that ECNU has made to the academic world in general, but also benefit from our colleagues’ studies on the problems, experiences and traditions of their home country in particular.As scholars from a country with a long history, a glorious tradition as well as a huge population and a vast territory, a country that has achieved tremendous progresses and encountered difficult challenges, and a country that will produce increasing influences upon the world and humanity as a whole, our authors have both the honor and the obligation to offer something interesting and valuable to the international academic community.

At the same time when they would probably understand better their own work when presented in a foreign language, our authors, I hope, will also benefit a lot from valuable criticisms and suggestions kindly given by their readers all over the world.

October 28,2012,Shanghai


《ECNU Review》 创刊序



  一所中国大学为什么出版一份英文期刊?对此不妨赘言几句。参与国际学术交流,最理想状况是参与者各自使用自己的母语进行交流,同时又能够理解对方所讲的外语;次佳状况是参与者能够使用彼此的母语作为学术交流语言。但是,目前的状况是,尽管也有不少以英语为母语的学者使用其他一种或多种外语作为第二工作语言,但更多的非英语母语的学者(包括中国学者在内)把英语作为他们的第二工作语言。基于此,我们做出较为现实的选择,出版一份面向国际读者的英文期刊,定名为“ECNU Review”。

ECNU Review近期内将专门刊发我校学者的学术论文。我们希望读者能够通过这些论文了解华东师范大学对世界学术所作的重要贡献;不仅如此,我们还特别希望读者能从华东师大的同仁们这些关于本国问题、经验以及传统的研究中受益。中国是一个人口众多、幅员辽阔的国度,具有悠久的历史和光荣的传统;她在取得巨大进步的同时也历经艰难困苦,她也将对世界和人类产生越来越大的影响。身为中国学人,我们的作者要为国际学术共同体贡献有影响、有价值的成果。此诚为义不容辞,荣幸之至。


2012年10月28日 于上海

( 英译中:刘梁剑 哲学系教授 )